Okay, this intrigues me, being a Spy from way back when, I thought I better look into this one. To really understand what's going on here you have to think like a spy. We have stuff falling out of the sky regularly so why did we happen to hear about this one? Maybe the NSC wants the Russians and Chinese to know about this satellite so it would force their hand and use their antigravitational technologies, but the Russians and Chinese thinking like spys thinking that's what the Americans are trying to do and won't use their technology, but maybe the Americans don't really want the Russians and Chinese to get this satellite and think by saying how important it is, they think the Russians and Chinese will think they are just trying to force their hand and use the antigravitational technologies, and therefore they won't, so they win and the Russians and Chinese won't use their technologies to capture the satellite.

Okay enough spy talk, I was washing dishes 6am Sunday morning when I was looking out my back window and thought wait a minute, it got bright all of a sudden, did the Moon sneak through the cloud cover I thought to myself, grabbed my camera which I always keep beside me now , ran out the back door and saw a cool Moon through what looked like a portal in space grabbed a couple of pics and got the shot. I'm gonna leave you now with a little video I took of the wolf Moon, notice the cool wispy clouds and the Moon's movement caused by the Earth's rotation, notice also the atmosphere turbulence causing it to look like it's going in and out of focus.
Super post, Bob.
Great writeup. Makes me feel like wearing a hardhat when I go outside. As a matter of fact, we had a little discussion down hear last night about how many people have ever been hit by falling debris. I can't recall anyone having been hit by a satellite, but I think a few people have been hit on the head by meteors. Is that correct? Or, am I way off course?
I also enjoyed you animation of the moon - eerie!
Hey thanks swubird, as far as I know only one recorded incident of a person being hit by falling space debris, not hurt too bad, but they figure more have been hit in remote areas of the world that haven't reported it cause they didn't either know how to or they figured oh well,lol.
Read my reply to your comment on my site.
Also, this morning I read a short piece about Skylab's high-speed plunge to earth. I guess several eye-witnesses saw it crash down in a fiery shower of molten hot metal, but no one was hit. Was there any radioactivity involved?
I was reading lots of articles on it last night, it fell in the Indian ocean and in remote parts of Australia, no radioactivity at all, in fact people were collecting sovenirs,lol.
Great post, Bob. My head is dizzy from thinking through the politics, LOL, but I love your theories. And you were born a spy. :D
There are a lot of crazy happenings in the sky and this is the place to come to learn about them where they come to life. I'm expecting that spy satellite to fall into my yard any moment and am expecting to think it's a UFO. Then I'll call you up because you can show the first photos. :D
Hugs, JJ
Lol,JJ, if it lands in your back yard call me we'll do lunch, I'll share the profits with you.
Hey Bob, we had such a wind this morning, that I was sure that something will fall off the sky, lol, but not hoping for the roof to fly always, and it didn't - but will see when I get home, lol. Thanks for sharing your spy stories and moon photos, they are always cool, and not to include that you wash dishes too, lol. BTW I had to mention your gifs on my last post, hope you enjoy reading, at least half of my post, the rest may be not so much fun. Anna :)
I tell you. I thought I was losing my mind when I picked up all those secret codes in your Posts but I refused to believe them. Ha...I feel somehow vindicated by your confession!
Excellent. This one made me chuckle :-)
Love the shot. I'm looking forward to a better camera so I can "compete" with at least one half decent moon shot myself.
Take care.
Lol Anna, thanks for the mention on your blog, and you always have informative posts, going to really have to look into the water marking aspect of photography.
Hey JD, lol, so it's working, JD I look at your stuff and think very cool, it's amazing what you have done, gives me ideas. Hope your having luck in raising the funds you need, always cool to get a new toy.
Hi Bob - I always knew you were in on all that spy stuff - just like I am sure that NASA is run by a bunch of aliens! I listen to NPR and PBS a lot, and the stuff that was launched 25-30 years ago and we're just hearing about all this amazing technology now - that's the only explanation I can come up with!
I like the new blog design with the moon background - must be more of those secret codes of yours!
Lol Kathy,another spy term us spys use is reverse technology, that's why the advanced technology back then, you were right,
lol @ you being a spy. I see you in a trench coat with your telescope...in the wee hours of the morning...watching the russians. I feel all safe knowing you're out there SpyBob!
Like the new background...that big moon scared me!
Thanks drowseymonkey. Lol if the big moon scared you, thanks for letting me know, the code must not be working, it's supposed to put you in a trance for 4.3 seconds followed by an urge to serve your country, unless it's Russia or China, or any of the listed terrorist supporting countries
Three to one that satellite is going to fall in Texas any takers?
Sounds like a battle being waged in the sky.
I like your new background, it's cool.
I'm a little worried..:) My mother in law and I were joking that it would be awful to be hit by a piece of the sattelite and as populated as our world is now how can scientists say that it won't come down in a city?
This is so interesting.
Best Wishes,
330,000 miles sounds like way off to me, but I guess it is a near miss in astronomical terms!
I thought the old satellites always burned up when they re-entered? But I heard a news report that this one was definitely going to crash to Earth and that nobody knows where. They made it sound dangerous, but the site you linked to put it in more realistic terms. Thanks!
That video is cool! Was that a clip with your digital camera or a stand alone video camera?
Hey Roger Texas is pretty big, but my money is on Saskatchewan, that would be very cool to be able to use my antigravitational technology,lol
Thanks oswegan!
Very interesting post. I was just thinking, what if the US in telling about the falling satellite wanted the Russians and Chinese to reveal their antigrav tech and in not doing so intended that this would make the US think they didn't have this technology, when in fact they do, because if they didn't then they might have made some announcement on this occurence, so they do have this tech, though they beleive the US thinks they don't, though the US knows they don't think they do know.
Ponder on that for a minute. Anc nice video, did you take that with your camera, or a different video camera?
The Fool
Hi Lisa, no worries, only one recorded incident, no major injuries, I'm hoping this thing lands close to me.
Hi Will I may joke alot, but this case is pretty interesting. All spy satellites or any satellite for that matter when their time is up they can usually guide it to a body of water, usually the Pacific Ocean, but because they have really no control now, it's anybody's guess, that's why Russia and China are watching very closely to see if it by chance falls in their airspace and they can make a grab for it and take a look before they hand it back to the owners, I'm just guessing that the Americans will shoot it down if they think that's what going to happen, I love it.
Lol, love it the fool, now your talking, makes so much sense. I forgot to answer this in Will's comment reply, but I used my little olympus digital the one I take all my lunar images with, it allows 15 secs of high quality movie recording, I took one with the low quality setting and it really sucked, thanks for asking.
Hi! Bob. I don't think you've lost your mind at all. Far from it. But I know one thing for sure, you're as "keen as mustard" when it comes to this astrostuff.
Having said all that, I am a little concerned as to why you would be washing dishes at 6am on a Sunday Morning. You must be a bit of a night owl!
Take Care!
Thanks Peter, I love that saying,"keen as mustard" I have always been a morning person as you can tell by some of the posting times,lol.
Hi Bob;
Space objects on steroids! Alls we need…. LOL
Bob I wanted to let you know I fully understood all of your complex psych on this situation satellite situation…
Clearly the US (names GWB) is responsible for the asteroids, global warming, galaxies polluting other galaxies.,.. Besides they (he) get blamed for most everything else! LOL
Hmmm washing dishes, dishes look like UFO’s….
That Moon photo looks so much like an eye!!!
Very nice video Bob…You are becoming more of an artist every day…
By the way I have never seen you at any of the NSA meeting I have been to….
Are you ready for black helicopters landing in your back yard at night…hmmm I guess you will surprise them by being out with the telescope? LOL
Wow thats a really good video for just a digital camera. My camera takes a full 30 minutes of film but the quality is really pretty bad. I would deffinetly sacrifice quantity for that quality.
Lol livingsword, hello, pod, foldable black heliocopter in pod. I've seen you there at the NSA meetings,being a spy I'm in disguise, lol.
Thanks the fool, my little camera does an excellent job on my Moon pics, quite amazing considering it was fairly inexpensive, I am thinking of getting a larger card to store more video on it.
LOL LOL LOL I always knew you were a spy LOL! ;) You even have their paranoia and all...that is the spy mark LOL LOL *nodding*...
This post made me laugh: great sense of humour :D!
Lol, thanks Max!!
Thanks for sharing this link, but argg it seems to be down... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my message if you do!
I would appreciate if someone here at blackholesandastrostuff.blogspot.com could post it.
This is a question for the webmaster/admin here at blackholesandastrostuff.blogspot.com.
Can I use part of the information from your post right above if I provide a backlink back to your site?
Hi there,
Thanks for sharing the link - but unfortunately it seems to be not working? Does anybody here at blackholesandastrostuff.blogspot.com have a mirror or another source?
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