In my quest to image all the Full Moons, I have now captured January's Full Wolf Moon, called the wolf Moon because in January the wolves are howling because they are hungry and cold like I was when I took this pic, man I felt like howling, at -27c I was a cold puppy. The next door neighbor's pugs were outside while I was taking this image, howling too because they were cold and wanted to be let back in their warm house. The January full Moon has been given a cooler name by the Omaha tribe,"Moon When Snow Drifts Into Tipis. The next full Moon will be February's or "Moon When Geese Come Home" followed briefly by a Total Lunar Eclipse, February 20/21, if you miss it, the next one isn't till 2010.
Why image all the full Moons, aren't they all the same? No, no they aren't, because the Moon doesn't have a perfectly circular orbit, it is out of sync with it's rotation, slips up and shows us a little of it's behind, this is called Libration.

Notice on my January image compared to my September Harvest Moon image, more of the North East quadrant is showing
Went to get more images of a Sunset the other night and as I was waiting I looked to see what the Moon was doing, it was just coming up from behind some clouds, which was cool enough, but it was being lit up by the reds of the Sunset, turned my tripod around and snapped some images

I took about 25 images with my Canon 40D and stitched them all together to make a movie. I took about 50 images of the Sunset and made a movie of it to post at a later date, hope you like the Moonrise.
nice blogspot you have! cool photos and stuff. Why not join some photography talk? @
Hey djingen, thanks, I'll look into it.
Great post. Those are spectacular images of the full moon. Last night my wife called me to the kitchen window to see it, but it's been raining lately, and there were clouds blocking the moon. A few minutes later, though, there it was, bright as a high-beamed headlight in the black sky. As we stood there gazing at it she asked me why it's called a wolf moon. What? I couldn't answer her, so thanks a million for the great explanation you gave. Also, nice video - very creative.
Have a nice day.
Stardate 65062.24
USS - Athena
Chief Science Officer,private log:
"After entering the wormholes,we in the dark most of the time.There are no planets,no stars all around us.I can't believe i miss so much this little moon of Mars that i spent 10 years on her."
Moon When Snow Drifts Into Tipis is a great name! And pretty well fits with January. (Well, except around here, but back when I was growing up in Montana it would have made sense.) Thanks for showing me the moon that's invisible through the rain here!
Bob - love the moonrise shots - the sun certainly lit it beautifully.
Howling at that Wolf Moon would have only landed you at the funny farm when your neighbors called on you. Good thing you left the howling to the dogs! You're too funny!
Thanks swubird! lucky had a break in the clouds both times to capture the wolf.
Hey Alex thanks for the cool story. Interesting as usual.
Hi swe, It is a cool name, one of my favorite, hope you have better luck next month for the eclipse!
Lol Kathy, but you know it would at least be somewhere warm.
Hi Bob lol you are too funny, and really good photo of the moon with your new camera. Thanks for all the useful info about the moon, didn't know about the Libration. BTW you should start to put watermarks on your photo, otherwise someone else is going to own it one day, lol. As part of habit for a while now I actually scroll down for the giff image, lol, however, the video is neat. Love the photos of the moon over the blue sky.
I was lucky enough yesterday when we came home late from work to snap few pictures of the moon, and then started to snow again. I think I should post some, its been a while.
Anna :)
Thanks Anna, I probably should put watermarks on them, but don't know how, I should type in watermarks to google see what happens, I'm getting gif withdrawl,lol. I would love to see more of your Moon shots, and don't forget about the Lunar eclipse, this time is going to be at a more reasonable time.
Hi Bob, hope I get better weather for the lunar eclipse. About the watermark - if you have photoshop, just insert text (copyright statement), that will create the next layer and you can move around wherever you want, and save as jpg again. Email me if you need more help. I cannot do it now, but may be tomorrow I can take your image and insert one for you, but you need to have photoshop in order to do it yourself. Let me know. Thanks, Anna :)
Thanks Anna I'll give it a try.
Nice job on the moon images. The moon here has been pretty incredible the past few nights. I think it was full last night. The neat thing is that it has been coming up really early and setting really late. This morning at about 8am I saw the moon setting in the bright sun, it was very cool. I thought about photographing it, but then thought it was better left to the experts, like yourself.
Hey oswegan, thanks, the Moon is very full right now, and because it is rising and setting opposite to the Sun, gives us a great opportunity for colorful images, and by the way your images rock, you're the pro.
Beautiful moonrise and a fascinating and informative post, as always, Bob!
You are a brave soul to venture outside at all at those temperatures, and I don't know how your camera battery can function in that cold!
I never thought about it, but since it's much colder in Canada that at my latitude, I guess you must go through quite a bit of heating oil!
Hey Bob, I learn so much when I visit here. Your blog is so cool. The photos are outstanding. I had no idea that there were names for full moons. If I were naming them, I imagine at least one full moon would be called "Moon when I fall asleep in front of the TV with the Yankees game on and a beer in my hand." Or is that too long? Great Pictures, Bob. Thanks. -Mike
lol @ mr grudge...
Fantastic shots as always! And thanks for explaining thd differences...I never did understand that. Love the video..that's just amazing!
Next time get a video of you that would be good too!!! LOL
Hi Lynda and thanks, don't get much out of the battery in the cold, We go through a lot of natural gas here, its the heating fuel of choice here, very expensive.
Hey Mike thanks, Mike I split a gut lauging at your full Moon name, and no it is just the right length,lol.
Thanks drowsey!,lol about the howling.
Hi Bob, I found this post very intersting. You must be really committted to go out in temperatures of -25C.
I have just finished reading the book, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee and learned about the names for the different seasons. The are very discriptive.
I see that your temperature is -18C on your weather forecast. Ours is 18C at the moment - much more to my liking.
wow gorgeous moon shots!
Hi max-e, 18c, I wish, it hasn't been that warm here for months, Oh well I am living in Saskatoon Saskatchewan, it will get warmer, -11 by the weekend, Im so excited,lol.
Hey guy gentner, thanks!
Nice work Bob! Damn the Moon was bright tonight like a light bulb!!
Thanks Roger, the Moon is very bright this month, lucky enough to get some good shots of it.
I love the "Full Wolf Moon" photo and other moon descriptions you have mentioned. The "Moon When Snow Drifts into Tipis" is great too. One wonders how the Native Americans could survive such harsh conditions.
"Moon When Geese Come Home." I love all of this!!!
The other day we were driving down a snow covered highway when two ducks flew above it. That was quite a scene.
Your photos are all beautiful and I'm inspired looking at them.
Hugs, JJ
Hello! What a beautiful full moon!! LOL so you were hungry and cold when you took this pic, huh? One of these days you will be named "Wolf Bob" lol :).
You are right: the moons are different (the January moon has a slight shadow below, and harvest moon is brighter; isn't it?). I didn't know that full moons were different, until I saw these I am curious about the other moons :)!
So, there will be an eclipse by the end of Feb? I must pay attention to it! I think that we had an eclipse here in Portugal last year! I remember it cause I was at my balcony to film it, but it was so cold (9ºC) that I quit!
Thanks for these great photos: you have a gift!
Great shots Bob! Wonderful post...always a real informative read. A Canon 40D? You sly dog. I'd didn't know you had one. I'm envious. I've been saving for the Canon 5D /w an assortment of various expensive top quality lenses for ages. But soon. Very soon. Then I'll be able to play with the big boys and girls. :-)
~JD (The Uneasy Supplicant)
Bob - I really liked the way the movie showed the moon changing as the sky got darker.
I'll have to ask Anna about the watermarks. I have PhotoShop Elements, but I don't really use it. I wonder if you can insert watermarks with it or if you have to have the full, very expensive, version of PS.
Hey Will I heard my name, I think should be no problem. I have Photoshop Elements somewhere, I will check it out - and if I don't then probably my husband did the clean up again, lol. Anna :)
Hi JJ thanks very much, I'm finding having a camera around you all the time is the thing to do,lol, it's all a matter of opportunity, always looking for the next coolest shot.
Thanks Max! You will be able to see the entire eclipse where you are so that is great, hey I'm liking "Wolf Bob",lol. 9C, how do you manage?, we wear shorts at that temp here in Saskatchewan,lol.
Hi Bob;
Awwwwwuu Awwwwwwuu
I love wolves, they are amazing animals!
Sorry, I will stop howling for a moment…. It’s a good thing you were a “puppy” as these temperatures are unhuman. Sorry I let the Canadian persona slip for a moment… Hey Bob you must have been wearing a t-shirt and shorts in that weather…
Very nice image Bob, I love the North East quadrant, that’s where the Havarti comes from right?
Creative job with the video my man, very nice!!!!
My fave is the bottom Moon image. I like the way it is positioned and the texture of the image. It almost looks like a wave is sweeping up to engulf it….
Thanks JD! A Canon 5D, now I'm envious, nice camera, more then I can handle, good luck with the saving.
Hey Will thanks!, I'm going to look more into the watermarks as well.
Wow, good ears Anna,lol.
Lol, livingsword you crack me up, I always wondered how to spell Awwwwwuu, now I know, I always spelt it with 3 u's. Lol about the havarti. Actually even the teenagers at -27c wear pants usually coats don't come into play until absolute zero,lol.
wow Bob you obvously know how to work a camera. Great moon shots, keep up the great work!
The Fool
Hey, thanks the fool,glad you like them!
Hi Hope, and thanks! glad you like.
Hi! Bob. Great photo and movie clip! As for the -27c, I'm amazed that the camera is not affected in someway. How cold does it have to get before the camera gives in? Just curious.
Thanks Peter, I don.t know how cold, the first thing I look for in the instuctions when I buy things is the weather operating limits, didn't have one for the camera. I think at about -50 the solder actually shrinks breaking contact with various circuits.
Full moon- that explains why my hubby was howling. Grin. Wait- it may have been me. Any how- Hi Bob- Great shot. :)
Wasn't the moon full last night too?
Lol Rose, thanks, the Moon looks full for about 4 days, 2 days either side of the actual day, the actual day was Jan 22nd,
Hi! Bob, thanks for the great feedback. You have a fair way to go before hitting the -50 mark.
Even at -27 there's more of a chance of getting frost bite than getting the camera damaged.
Keep Warm
Thanks Peter, sometime it amazes me the camera works even at -27c.
Lol, Hi Paula thanks!
WOW, BOB, your blog is looking FANTASTIC! It's very exciting!!!! And of course, all the GIFs are beautiful!
PS - I've added your link to my page! :)
Hey Lynda, thanks, I'll put your site on my blogroll too.
You're welcome, Bob, and thank you, as well! Your site looks just TERRIFIC!
Hello Bob! Very nice moon photos. I love the background photo of the moon also on here.
My dial-up modem prevents me from seeing all these great blogs as often as I would like.
Thanks Mike, always good to hear from you.
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