There you go people, the largest title in blogging land, probably breaking some kind of writing rules with it, don't care, Bob breaking writing rules Johnson is what they call me. Early Morning Friday February 1st. Venus and Jupiter get very close to each other, low in the SE sky. Then February 3rd. the Moon joins the grouping, should be a great photo op. I'll be out taking pics, weather permitting of course. I love these kind of events because everyone can enjoy them, don't need no scope or binocs, just yourself and the sky.
One site I really recommend for events like these or any other celestial events is Sky View Cafe, in fact the only thing I recommend more is buying real estate. I use Sky View all the time, it lets me know exactly what is happening in my local sky, exactly where the planets, stars, deepsky objects are at any particular time, past , present or future, if you get anything from this site, that would be my greatest gift to you.

I was honored this week with some awards. AngelBaby who has an interesting and cool blog about everything angels has awarded me with the Interesting Blog award, thanks AngelBaby!, I'd like to pass this award on to Anna who has very interesting photo blog which has helped me with some tech advice and settings on taking pics of the Moon and other night time objects. Swubird has a very interesting blog about science, technology and his life experiences in the military. Will has a very informative blog about healthy living for people and our planet Earth. And JD who has great site with awesome images and prose, very excellent blog. I will leave the other awards for future posts, don't want you to think it's all about me and how great I am, even though this blog is kinda all about me and my wacky cosmic adventures.
One site I really recommend for events like these or any other celestial events is Sky View Cafe, in fact the only thing I recommend more is buying real estate. I use Sky View all the time, it lets me know exactly what is happening in my local sky, exactly where the planets, stars, deepsky objects are at any particular time, past , present or future, if you get anything from this site, that would be my greatest gift to you.

I was honored this week with some awards. AngelBaby who has an interesting and cool blog about everything angels has awarded me with the Interesting Blog award, thanks AngelBaby!, I'd like to pass this award on to Anna who has very interesting photo blog which has helped me with some tech advice and settings on taking pics of the Moon and other night time objects. Swubird has a very interesting blog about science, technology and his life experiences in the military. Will has a very informative blog about healthy living for people and our planet Earth. And JD who has great site with awesome images and prose, very excellent blog. I will leave the other awards for future posts, don't want you to think it's all about me and how great I am, even though this blog is kinda all about me and my wacky cosmic adventures.
Got another cool sunset the other day, never really saw the Sun because of the clouds, but the effect it had on lighting up the surrounding landscape with its changing colors was awesome.
I took a bunch of images and stitched them all together, made a movie of it, you really notice the changing of lighting this way, hope you enjoy.
Thanks Bob for the wonderful award! I'll be sure to post it up shortly.
Great job on your movie. You must have froze your Willy Wonka to get ALL those shots of the sun over that period of time, out there in the cold! :-) Well done. You're braver than I am.
I'll certainly take a peak outside on the evening of the first to check out Venus and Jupiter. Thanks for the heads up!
Again, thank you for the great award!
Congrats on the award,,I guess sitting in a frozen igloo has some rewards.....Yes I drop by,, its just that I have no idea what your talking about so I just look at the pretty pictures...Has your scientist friend stopped laughing yet about that question I asked you a couple of weeks ago?......
Nicely done bob. Are you going to be up and watching the skies for 2007 TU24 on the 29th-30th?
Hey JD, thanks!, Froze alot more then my Willy Wonka, as soon as I got back in the car everything started hurting, nose ears, skin falling off,lol. don't wait till the evening, go first thing in the morning, low SE.
gt281, what can I say, my fav converstion that day where we came up with some pretty great theories of the cosmos , and wondered why no one else had come up with them before, I will be in touch with you when I hear back, hope brain doesn't get broke,lol.
Hi Aura, cool you heard about that, I was actually going to post about the close flyby of asteroid TU24, but even I won't be able to see it even though I have a big scope, too much light pollution.
Hi! Bob. Another great article. I realise you have seen and done a lot in regards to your photography and star gazing, but is there is anything you hope to see that you haven't seen yet?
Hi Bob - Thanks for the award. :-)
I heard on the radio that most scientists were saying the "fly by" would be really far away, but that others were even predicting a hit? When the general scientific consensus is for a miss by such a great distance, how can a few scientists disagree? Are they just looking for publicity, or are these things really that unpredictable?
Thanks again for the award.
Hey Peter,someday I'd like to see a total Solar eclipse, never seen one, also like to use some major serious scopes like the ones at Keck Observatory.
Hey Will, it is going to miss by 334,000 miles, there will always be some people looking to be contrary, who can ever guess at their motives. Physics is physics.
Hey Bob thanks for the award, this is really nice of you. Not sure if I really helped, the camera really works wonders, you will really like it. BTW, I noticed conversation with you and Peter about low temperatures. Unfortunately, my SLR sometimes looses a connection, and this is usually to the shrinking metals between the lens and the camera body, but if your works that well than its great. Thanks again for your kind award - I am going to get you back, lol. Anna :) BTW nice night photo and markings.
Hey Anna, thanks and your welcome, that's a good point about the metal on the lens loosing connection, hasn't happened to me yet, been lucky, looking forward for warmer temps, to be able to use my fingers again and not get frostbite,lol.
Hey Bob thanks for the info about the new showing at the Cosmic Theater, I will sure to be out there.
Also very nice video, I really like the effect that the clouds have on the sun. Keep it up.
The Fool
Hey , thanks the fool, hopefully the weather will co-operate.
Bob, congrats on your award!!!
I can't wait for the "celestial summit meeting". :D
I have a question. Why is our moon only called "moon" and why hasn't it got a colorful name?
Hugs, JJ
Hi JJ, good question, Moon comes from Old English mona, means month, the Moon goes through all it's phases in one month, hence Moon. Giving names to the full Moons is how the different early cultures and Native Americans kept track of the seasons.
Well you've gone and done it again - absolutely great post. I also love the sunset animations you've created. I have Photoshop Elements, but I only wish I could do the things you do. I feel like I have a vertical learning curve.
I left you a comment earlier, but I guess I did something wrong, because I don't see it. I wanted to thank you for the award. You are very kind.
Have a super day.
Hey there nice to see some Timelaps photography. Thanks for your comments to on my sunset photo. Keep up the good work
Hi swubird, thanks and your welcome about the award, your site is very unique and interesting, and you've started using animated gifs, love it,lol.
Hi Danny, thanks Sunsets are my fav and you captured a great one.
You rule breaker Bob lol! Congrats on your award!! Hey if you ever want a starfield background for your blog I can help you with that, just let me know.
Hey Roger I think that would look cool, I'll be in touch.
I see that a spy satellite is falling out of its orbit and will hit Earth in Feb or March…
If that thing lands in my backyard,, how much money can I make from it?....
I’m a greedy little sucker,, ain’t I??.....
Lol gt281,cool I wasn't aware, thanks, it has "hazardous materials" wink, wink, I've watched Space Cowboys I don't think I want that landing in my backyard, lol.
Hi Bob,
I decided to read this post in spite of the fact that you broke a fundamental and sacred rule about blog post titles being too long. (Kidding!)Congratulations on your award. You certainly deserve it. Yours in an interesting blog and I come back here often, and will continue to do so. Keep up the good work and I love your photos. -Mike.
I'll be looking for the planets, I thought I saw them tonight, but thats not possible is it? Must have been 2 planes landing at MSP at the same time. What!!...In any case lots of stuff happening up there right now, eh? what with the satellite fall down & the NEA fly by. Yikes
Hi Bob;
Actually I have tried titles that were so long that blogger wouldn’t accept them! Of course you know how long winded I can be! LOL
It’s chaos over here with all the rule breaking! Things here are just plain nebulous…. LOL
I am sure there must be some interesting mythological aspects of Venus and Jupiter getting close together!
Thanks for the link bob I have bookmarked it after checking it out.
I have Galaxy Explorer and Night Sky Explorer which can be interesting and fun to use.
Have you ever used the space option on Google Earth? Pretty cool and user friendly…
Nice award! You interesting kind of guy….
All the blogs you mentioned are cool and interesting…
Bob always remember if you want to entertain at a party… it always about you… LOL
There is nothing wrong with holding the cup above your head and making a tour of the ice surface so your adoring fans may cheer you on to the sound of “I am the champion, I am the champion”…. (Ok so it is We are the Champions but it needed a bit of adaptation).
Wow what a sunset!!! You get so many amazing images!!! Well done! Of course the raw material was pretty good to work with! LOL
Are you going to start adding sound to your videos? KC and the Sunshine Band? :)
Very nice video Bob, always a pleasure to beam over to your place…
I dig the moon background. What a sly guy you are. I won't even ask how you did it, because I'm certain that it's way above my pay grade.
May the Force be with you.
Hey Mike your too funny, thanks, always appreciate your visits and I learn alot about writing from your stories on your blog.
Hey Danny, At around 9pm Saturn rises in the east and Mars is directly overhead, so they could of been the planets you saw, unless they landed, then they aren't. I know cause I'm too smart, lol, not even close, I know cause of skyview cafe, use it you'll get to love it.
Lol livingsword, love your comments. I like to live on the edge with my titles, I'm glad to see someone else that does as well. Google Earth space option is too cool, I use it alot since my starry night software doesn't work on the crappy VISTA system, I thought it was I am the champion, note to self,lol.
Hey swubird, thanks, I like it too, didn't cost a thing, if you notice a few comments up Roger said he could help me with a background, I took him up on it.
Sent me this site
I am not that familar with code, but I gave it a try, hit the preview button and liked so I kept, your code doesn't change until you hit the save button, and you can preview, very cool. need any help with one just email me.
Hey that looks cool Bob!! How did it go with the code? looks like you got it, nice job!
Hey Roger was gonna email you thanks a bunch, worked very good, had to open an account with photobucket to make it work , well worth it. Thanks again!!
Hello Bob,
First I would like to say that I like what you have done with your place: it looks beautiful!!!! Orion mystery is so soothing and since I am listening to created the perfect mood :D!
Congratulations on your awards *clap clap clap*! :D
Do you understand anything about Astrology? Cause I wonder what it means to have Venus, Jupiter close to each other and having the moon nearby :)...It must be interesting!
Either way it must be an incredible celestial event, no doubt :)! I wish the weather allows you to take some cool pics, so that you can share with us :)!
You seem to have a special relationship with the moon...verdad? It would say a lot about your personality....
Thanks Max! glad you like the look, don't know much about astrology, I wrote a post a little about the differences between the two
I do know that when Venus and Jupiter get close things happen in astrology, add the Moon to the mix, who knows what can happen,lol.
I do have a special thing about the Moon, don't know why, but it has always fascinated me, so mysterious and beautiful, and feel we are very lucky to have it to enjoy, and especially image, why else would I buy property there,lol. It lights up our way and stands out so proud.
It just is what it is and I like it.
Hi Bob;
Generally my titles were a lot more interesting in the past until I began to understand how they can affect search engines!
I enjoy Google Earth and the space option quite a bit, they can be very helpful.
The Explorer space programs are so user friendly which is nice for a person that just dabbles. Enough detail to explore but not overwhelm. Then add your blog and “presto!” The perfect balance… Hmmm maybe you should talk with them about integration…
I haven’t switched to VISTA yet, to many issues, including with networking. I am trying to hold on till they do a major service pack, or better. Interestingly I find I am actually purchasing less software since I started blogging.
I have not had problems with upgrades since the summer of Windows 95 when I wanted to kill my computer. Took ages to find out it hated my hard drive! Since then I have never been an early applier of MS products, can you say guinea pig?
While skating around the pond with the trophy above your head be sure you don’t trip over your tripod, skating in the dark can be dangerous… :)
hey bob. thanks for the visit.
and its cool to know you got a 40D! i have one too, but rarely use it. Im using my new Nikon D3.
and I do hope you visit again.
This is such an informative, witty and cool blog. Though my browser is having a hard time opening pages with youtube embedded videos haha. But its all worth the wait.
See ya!
Bob just visiting to acknowledge your new background - really cool. Anna :)
Lol tripping on the tripod, I've kicked a few of them over, does that count.
Hi livingsword, I was watching a show on the biography channel yesterday about google and the owners of google, title is very important for sure and if you have words in bold print, that is important as well as repeating key words in the post over and over again very intresting show.
Unfortunately I had no choice about the Vista, it came on my new computer, Vista needs a lot of work for sure, maybe after a ton of service packs it will work better.
Hey lad thanks, Nikon D3 very nice camera, you have a great site hope to learn some stuff there.
Hi Anna, thanks! I surprised myself with figuring it out,lol.
I sure like that moon background you've employed. It looks great. Perfect for your site. Also, that Wolf Moon reflecting water GIF really looks nice on your blog.
Have a nice one.
Hi swubird, thanks a bunch!
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