UPDATE: The chances of asteroid 2007 WD 5 hitting Mars are now 1 in 10,000. Observations from 4 different observatories have indicated the asteroid will come no closer then 4,000 kms. to Mars.
Just to prove I'm not crazy, or crazy depending on how you look at things, I took a pic of my Lunar deed, all legal and such. Just think of the conversation possibilities at all the dinner parties I frequent, "So Bob", "Yes Jim" "Do you happen to own any real estate?"" Why yes Jim, I do, I have a house in South Saskatoon, Wildwood, and an acreage in Campanus Crater" "Campanus crater, is that in the south part of town as well?" "Well no Jim, it is in the south part of the Moon." See, you'll be the talk of the town, when ever people look at the Moon they'll be thinking of you, get your Lunar Property today, maybe we can be neighbours.
Now that the Quadrantids meteor shower is over it's time to look forward to the next one, which isn't till April 22nd, the Lyrids. I'll keep you up to date on the wheres and whens on all upcoming showers throughout 2008.

The next big event is the total Lunar Eclipse for most of the Western Hemisphere on February 20/21. The above pic is an image I took of our last Total Lunar Eclipse August 28, 2007. If you miss it you'll have to wait till 2010 for the next one, that's a long way away, here's hoping the weather works for you.
The chances of asteroid 2007 WD5 impacting Mars have been lowered to 1 in 40 from 1 in 28. Observations made at the Calar Alto Observatory have scientists predicting the asteroid missing Mars by 18,641 miles.

AngelBaby who has a super blog about angels and such has awarded me with a great blog award, I am honoured to be a recipient of this award and would like to pass it on to a some of my fav blogs that I read. 1: swubird, a cool blog about science, WMD's, social issues and basically all kinds of cool stuff. 2: The Uneasy Supplicant, awesome prose and images. 3: Will, great blog about healthy living for people and planet Earth. 4: Hope Radio, inspirational site for the support of the military who fight for our freedom. 5: Peripheral Vision, a great site for photography and abstract paintings. 6: Sue's Daily Photography, just awesome images of my fav sunsets and palm trees. 7: Mr. Grudge, a place to go talk about writing and has very cool stories. 8: Life On The Blade, an all around inspirational blog. I want to leave you now with , that's right another GIF animation, thinking of renaming my blog, Blackholes and Astrogifs.
Hang on a second! The Campanus Crater! Isn’t that the Lunar Star Fleet Campus? Good foresight Bob…LOL
Does the lot have utilities access? I don’t like buying unless the property is read to go…
LOL Bob my friend…some would say property on the Moon and property in Saskatchewan...well….more of the same? After all I am from BC!! LOL
Do you think you should mention your Moon property in my article? LOL LOL
Ok those odds on the asteroid are looking better for me now…this is such a rollercoaster ride….
Wow…thanks for the award Bob! What a great award… Very kind indeed….I should post your words as an ad on my blog!!! Seriously I am touched, and I look forward to checking out the other recipients!
Another cool GIF! Well done….
Thanks again Bob….
Hi Bob,
WOW, what a nice surprise!!! Thank you so much for this award, Bob!
It's only 8 days ago, I got the same award from Michele, over at "The Rocky Mountain Retreat".I must be a lucky and inspiring person...I didn't knew that...LOL..
Thanks again Bob!:-)
Wow! That's a nice peace of real estate bob lol! Great photos my man!! Do you want to exchange links? I use to just put links up but I ended up with a lot of links of people who never visited lol, now ah days I ask unless they already have mine up.
Lol, livingsword, thanks, the utilities do concern me, but not as much as the commute to work,:)
Hi Susanne, your pictures, especially my fav sunsets are inspirational!
Thanks Roger, your blog is too funny, Sure, I'm putting you up right now!
Wow Bob, that GIF is just awesome! They just keep getting better! I have to learn how to do this with my water-shots.
I want to be at your next dinner party when the discussion about your property on the moon comes up! You might have a load of lunar (I didn't say "luny," lol) neighbors by then!
Yes, remind us about the Feb. event, please! As for Mars being spared, for some reason I feel protective of our neighboring planets and very relieved that the possibility of its getting hit is diminishing. Of course, calculations can be wrong, but I hope that they're not.
Thank you so much for passing this award on to me, Bob. I'm honored that you thought of me and I'll do my best to pass it on to worthy recipients! And I'll have to check out those other blogs you listed... :)
Hi Lynda, thanks and your welcome, for sure I will be updating about the Lunar eclipse, I know what you mean, I feel very attached to little Mars, don't want it to get hit either.
Bob the commute would be bad but not as bad as the Port Mann bridge here in the Vancouver area LOL LOL
If you go to your property for a long weekend give me a call and I’ll come along to keep you company! LOL
Thank you very much for the award, Bob! It has been a good day even for a guy like me that is a bit uncomfortable accepting compliments at times. My blog earlier today received three very good reviews on other sites, then tonight comes your icing on the cake! Thanks again.
By the way, by virtue of your number of comments on my site, you now join JD and Anna with a permanent place on my blogroll. I put the link to Blackholes and Astrostuff because I believe that, like me, you have only this site. If that ever changes and you want add a different link, just let me know.
Didn't we just see a lunar eclipse last year? I seem to remember getting the tow younger kids out of bed to look at the big red moon. If my memory is correct, that is two years in a row. Is that unusual?
Lol, livingsword, will do.
Hey Will, thanks and your welcome, that's right we did have one last year Aug 28,the pic on the post is one I took then, good memory!
Your the first Moon land owner I know. :D What a great view of your property. I love the deep color. You make space so interesting that it's hard to stay away. :-)
Super post!!!
Hugs, JJ
Thanks JJ, I'm the only person I know that owns Lunar property as well, go figure, with the prices of real estate you'd think there'd be more,lol.
Sorry I'm late Bob! Things are getting hectic here :-)
WOW! Thanks for this award! I am very grateful...foremost for your opinion and faithful readership but for the fact that you feel I merit this award. Thank you very much.
Now, your post. Excellent! Boy, wouldn't I want to be in on that conversation in 20 years when they're mining your property for moon diamonds. You'll definitely be laughing then! :-)
Also, another great GIF! Love the artistic side in ya. Maybe your monogram should change to AA for Artistic Astronomer.
Peace my friend.
Thanks JD, a well deserved award, as far as the artistic side, I'm probably picking up things from you. I like the AA Artistic Astronomer, pretty easy to be artistic when I have the cosmos to work with,lol.
Hi Bob you are funny, Blackholes and Astrogifs, lol. So finally you got real certificate for your moon property lot #15, I think it is really cool. You know if I owned one, I probably jump on the next space ship and put my foot prints there, lol. No you are not crazy. Thanks for the updates on lunar eclipse, hope I get good weather too, and the meteor showers. I have to say the weather is really crappy right now. Any solar eclipse in the horizon, I witness one when I was in high school, oh me and my sister we really waited for it. It got unusually dark.
Congrats to all award receivers, wow, I know 4/7, and I will try to visit and see what Hope Radio and Mr. Grudge has to say about swubird, lol. Great post, thanks for laughs. Anna :)
I got this link in the email, more for beginners, kind of cool - I thought I share: http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/education/astronomy/constellations/index.html
Hi! Bob, great article. As for your piece of moon real estate, even if it gets hit by a meteorite you still won't lose your money.
Thanks Anna! thanks for saying I'm not crazy,lol. Hope you have good weather for the eclipse, I am going to check out that link right now thanks!
Thanks Peter, if my property gets hit by a meteor probably increase the value because of the minerals, or at the very least, it's my property, I get to name the new crater after me!!
Thanks bob! I am working on your link right now!!
You have outdone yourself again Bob! Excellent post. And congrats on the award...very appropriate.
Hey Roger, thanks!!
Thanks drowseymonkey!
Hey congrats on the award! Ha thats pretty cool to own some land on the moon, is it official or anyting? And thats good news for martians that that won't be getting hit by the asteroid but it would have provided some interesting study, oh well. Well great post!
The Fool
Thanks the fool! Selling and Owning Lunar property, well let's just say, there is a gray area here, hey George Lucas and some NASA employees own Lunar land, in fact over 4 million people have purchased property on the Moon, can 4 million people be wrong? lol.
Property on the moon? You are such a crack up. I know a guy down here in the territories who would sure like to meet you. He's selling the London Bridge. What-a-ya think? LOL!
Thank you so much for that wonderful award you passed on to me. I'm so new at this blogging stuff that I didn't even know such things existed. Where does one get those things to bestow on people?
Keep up the good work, Bob. I always love reading your posts, and seeing your latest pictures.
Now that's one awesome gif you made! I'm a little disappointed about the asteroid not hitting Mars. I was really hoping for something spectacular and interesting. And I would love to be a fly on the wall during one of those great dinner conversations about property. I might laugh so hard I end up in someone's soup... so, oh well.. maybe it's best that I stay home.
Lol, suwbird! give me some credit, wait how much? As far as the awards I think people just make em up for encouragement, I think it is a great idea, drowseymonkey made up an award called "I award me" , or at least that's what I think it was, I asked if I could have it she said sure,lol.
Hi Shirley, end up in somebodies soup that would trump my property, you better stay home,lol.
Hey bob! Thanks for the award! What surprise. Nice to come aback to something like this after a bug and the blahs...I'll post it in the morning! hugs...Hope
Hi Hope, love your site, hope your feeling better
Really Nice Pictures you have in your blog.
Hi and thanks maldives!
Hi Bob - Glad you pointed out your moon land - looks like a prime spot!
Hi Kathy, yep prime land on the Moon, nothing better,lol.
Hi Bob!
Come and get your award and tag…
Hey livingsword, okay and thanks
Holy Moon! BOB!! Congratulations!
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