Finally people I have benefited in a large way from these stupid cold -35c temperatures in the form of very cool Sun dogs and Solar halos, because that's when these puppies come out to play.
Sun dogs are bright circular spots on a Solar halo, they are caused by the sunlight reflecting and refracting off ice crystals in the high Cirrus clouds. The Earth's
Cirrus clouds are wisp like clouds located above 23,000ft. White Sun dogs and Solar halos are caused by reflection, colored Sun dogs and Solar halos are caused by refraction.

The first image was taken behind the mall I work at, got two dogs and a halo, by the time I got to my second location out in the country I lost a dog, very fast changing phenomenon, but I gained a jet and it's contrails, very cool, the jet looked like it was going to crash into the Sun, so now the final image kind of looks like a giant old fashion speedometer.
I've posted here about a large U.S. spy satellite falling uncontrollably from space, a little update here. President Bush has Dispatched 3 warships to the northern Pacific Ocean, west of Canada for next week's firing of a missle to take out the spy satellite. U.S. officials have stated the reason for the shootdown is to prevent deadly fumes from the satellites on board propellant from escaping into the atmosphere. This action will of course prevent the Russians and Chinese from getting their hands on the satellite as well as give the military great target practice.

I have been stockpiling awards lately so thought I better get to awarding them to some other fine bloggers. Awards are great, they share the love and let a fellow blogger know you appreciate their efforts. I just wish, well I don't want to seem like a greedy Bob, but if somehow money was involved, man if I had a dollar for every award I've received I'd be a ..... wait, .. no that ain't going to work, .... let me see, carry the 6 divided by 2, times 1,000, okay, if I had $67,000.92 for every award I've received I'd be a millionaire, wild eh?
Go Smell The Flowers has started the Flower Smeller Award, to be awarded to someone who is in their own way stopping to smell the flowers, has made waves in the blogging community, raised a family , got a promotion, is discovering their greatness, and the list goes on. The neat thing about this award is that you can award another 5 people next month and the month after that, till eternity, or you stop blogging, what ever comes first.
JD has honoured me with this award, I've been a fan of JDs for ever, drop by his place, you'll find stunning images and stories that'll keep you on the edge of your seat.
The 5 people I would like to present this award to this month, like I'm going to remember to do this next month, but who knows, anyways back to the awards. 1.
Anna; great stories and photos, especially her Moon shots, which is how I found her, I thought great someone else who likes the Moon, we've been blogging together ever since. 2.
AngelBaby; a very positive blog about all things angel, a very uplifting site indeed. 3.
Livingsword; just discovered this blog not to long ago, excellent stories and messages, if you are a
Survivor fan there are updates to be had there as well. 4.
Max; another blog I've discovered just recently, excellent stories and messages as well.
Swubird very interesting site about his experiences in the military, and so much more, the neat thing is he has lived though a lot of cool stuff and has many stories to tell.
Quick reminder, this coming Wednesday February 20th. starting at 8:43 EST the last total Lunar Eclipse till 2010, snooze you loose. I'll leave you now with an animated gif of one of my Solar halo shots.