Just came in from the cold, doing a dress rehearsal for the Total Lunar Eclipse this coming Tuesday August 28th. 3:52 am EDT. The above image is my latest, took it a couple hours ago, 65X magnification with a #21 wratten (light orange) filter to dim the bright light of the almost full moon, and to bring out more detail of some of the major craters. I held my Olympus camera up to my telescope eyepiece, focused the scope and snapped the pic, as long as the clouds participate this coming Tuesday, I should get some lunar eclipse pictures.
Tycho Crater named after Tycho Brahe is the major crater near the top of the moon and off to the left, the crater with all the bright lines coming from its center. It's a very steep crater, about 14,500 ft high and 52 miles in diameter. The next major crater is Copernicus Crater named after Nicolaus Copernicus , the guy who brought forward the idea that the Earth and all the planets revolve around the Sun, not the other way round. Copernicus is the bright crater just to the right of centre in the middle of the moon. The third major crater I would like to point out is Plato Crater, named after Plato the Greek philosopher. Plato is near the bottom, right of center, it is the darkest crater on the moon. All three of these craters are known hot spots for Transient Lunar Phenomenon.
Tycho Crater named after Tycho Brahe is the major crater near the top of the moon and off to the left, the crater with all the bright lines coming from its center. It's a very steep crater, about 14,500 ft high and 52 miles in diameter. The next major crater is Copernicus Crater named after Nicolaus Copernicus , the guy who brought forward the idea that the Earth and all the planets revolve around the Sun, not the other way round. Copernicus is the bright crater just to the right of centre in the middle of the moon. The third major crater I would like to point out is Plato Crater, named after Plato the Greek philosopher. Plato is near the bottom, right of center, it is the darkest crater on the moon. All three of these craters are known hot spots for Transient Lunar Phenomenon.
(note: Telescope optics invert objects, ie. Tycho crater is actually on the bottom of the moon when viewed without a telescope)
The picture below was taken tonight as well, without the filter and at 50X magnification. I will probably end up taking some pics in each magnification. Well it's T-73.5 hours and counting and and the weather station's calling for variable clouds, with any luck at all and my fingers crossed, I should be taking my first eclipse pics since 2004.

Excellent photos! Thank you for providing them.
Glad you like them!, here's hoping that the 28th. is clear of clouds.
I sure do like your blog bob johnson. The photos are ultra cool, that you took them out there in your little white bubble at an ungodly hour....I feel like you are on another planet doing scientific research all on your own. It is very motivating and inspirational the passion you have! I used to walk or sit outside and look up at the sky at night, I haven't done much of that the last few years and I find myself going out there more instead of being inside. thanks for reawakening the sky!!!!
I'm glad you like my blog and that it is reawakening the sky for you, it is a free show up there for us every night all we have to do is look up!
Beautiful photos of the moon, I especially like the one using the filter. You must live in a location that does not have the interference of city lights!
Wow! I can't belive your going to get pics of the eclipse! Thats way cool. Ill have to check back for when you get them on your site so I can see. I don't belive I have ever seen a lunar eclipse. (lunar right?) hehe. ill check back l8r!
Lynne, thanks, but these Moon pics were taken from a highly light polluted backyard in the city, fortunately I have an observatory and can block out the neighbors and city lights. Won't have to use the filter on eclipse night thanks to the eclipse itself keeping the Moon from being to bright.
someone, I have missed the last 2 Lunar eclipses due to cloudy conditions, hopefully 3rd time's the charm. If everything goes according to plan I'll be posting Lunar Eclipse pics Tuesday morning!
Excellent photos! I'm impressed Bob.
Thanks Rose, Lets just hope I can get a few shots of the eclipse, its raining right now, and its not supposed to be.
Your photos are absolutely stunning. I like your writing too...I can tell how excited you are about what you do by reading. Thanks for your kind words on my site as well.
Thanks missladybug, hope everything goes well Tuesday, the next Lunar Eclipse wont be till Feb 21 2008, and I usually have 3 feet of snow in my backyard then.
Hi Bob, fantastic pictures there. Can't wait to see the results on Tuesday. We almost certainly won't see anything here. We last saw a decent lunar eclipse in March and I was lucky enough to be driving under a clear sky and saw it. The pictures capture the essence of the beauty of the Universe we live in, so thankyou for taking them.
Hi nim, couldn't agree with you more, the last pic I got of a Lunar Eclipse was 2004, hope the weather is good, don't wanna wait till Feb/21st.2008
Hey Bob with your pictures I feel like I am on the moon, you captured so much detail. Interesting post, I did not know that Copernicus had a crater named after him? Yes I should be getting myself ready for the eclipse also, just don't know yet what to expect and how...oh well if I don't get it, you better get it. I took some photos yesterday, I amlost forgot and I was almost sleeping, but then this shine ray came through blinds and that was it I ran outside....it was really bright...
Anna :)
PS check it out later (not today), I will post. Just been enjoying weekend outside biking and zoo and heavy rain....
Hi Anna, what, you do stuff besides blogging? way to go. Right now its cloudy but it's supposed to clear up tomorrow. The show is officially supposed to start 1:51am PDT, this is about the 2,000 different time I've read,lol
translation 2:51 my time, 4:51am,EDT. I'm gonna be up all night, especially if its cloudy there has gotta be breaks in the clouds, I'm chomping at the bit for this one, good luck to you as well, you've taken some nice wide angle shots, this would be an awesome shot for your set up.
Hey Bob I enjoy life beside blogging lol - just summer been really good so I tried to take some time off work and enjoy every minute outside - I think my photo taking has grown exponentially this year. I am planning to do some staying up also if the weather is good and not showing up to work, and I got to run now, and do some more blogging on my blog...Anna :)
Hi Anna, good luck to you too for the eclipse, I wil be taking the day off Tuesday, The moon for you should be low in the south west at eclipse time.
hi Bob, wonderful pictures, i won't be able to see the eclipse,unfortunately, because i will be in the plane...
I didn't know they have a crater on the Moon after Tycho Brahe, that's cool, i knew Tycho Brache only because of his weird death.
Hi Omega, thanks for the compliment, too bad your gonna miss the eclipse, I'll take lots of pics, hopefully, its cool you knew about how Tycho died.
In 24 hours we (Sydney, Australia), are going to enjoy the lunar eclipse and we're also gearing up for it!
Exceleent shots, Bob. Good luck with all your lunar pictures.
Good luck anonymous, hope the weather is fine.
Thankyou jean-luc.
I am going to try to be up at that hour for the eclipse. Hopefully my Starbucks coffee can keep me awake till then, I look forward to seeing your pics. As always, great job Bob:)
(i had to delete my last post, i screwed something up)
Have a good one!
Hi Aura, I will be up from , well I won't be going to sleep. I'm also moving my scope to my mall, trees in the way at my house, plus I have my own security force at the mall, cloudy right now, clear clock sky is showing clear from 1am-5pm, here's hoping.
This moment not every year..Your photo same with in my place the moon light is brown
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