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National Geographic Channel has come through once again with a super 3 part mini seriesStorm Worlds, premiering this Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 8-11 PM ET.Starting off, Cosmic Fire. Imagine a solar event like a huge Coronal Mass Ejection, so powerful it takes out all the power grids across the world and puts us into darkness, destroying communication satellites...no more cell phones. Using dramatic recreations and Computer Generated Imagery National Geographic Channel takes us there, don't think it's possible? Back in 1859 a solar event was so powerful it took out the technologies of the time..the telegraph, over the United States and Europe, actually starting fires in the telegraph offices and just back in 1989 a solar storm one fifth the size of the one in 1859 took out power in Quebec for 11 hours.A dream team of scientists and policy makers meet in Washington regularly to discuss ways of understanding and dealing with space weather, a natural and alien force that stalks the Earth with the power to send us back to the Steam age. If an event like the one in 1859 was to happen.. and it is when..not if it does, we are not prepared physiologically, culturally or technologically to handle it.Next up, Alien Wind. Watch with the aid of CGI space storms off the chart in size and power and let me tell you after watching this premier you'll be thanking your lucky stars, for as unpredictable and sometimes stupid our weather is here on our little Earth, it pales in comparison to Saturn's lightning, 10,000 times more powerful than ours..or wind gusts of 11,000 mph on extrasolar planet HD 80606B, methane rain storms on Titan or storms lasting 100's of years on Jupiter. Watch as these storms attack San Francisco using cutting-edge CGI fantasy sequences.Have you ever wondered what would happen if a Martian size dust storm hit Earth? probably not, but you get to see it using the aid of...that's right CGI, watch as talcum fine dust sandblasts everything in it's path, searing flesh like bleach, impossible to breath and there is nowhere to hide..sucks, good thing it's just fantasy, but fun to watch.Unfortunately again these premiers are only initially showing in the States, not to worry though, coming to a local celestial theater near you, Saturday May 15 a slim crescent Moon meets up with Venus, just look to the west at Sunset, the Moon will be just below Venus, promises to be a pretty site and great photo op.I want to leave you now with an animation of my "Sprouting Grass Full Moon" with corona, the name given the April Full Moon by early Native Americans.
Cool. Space weather is fascinating stuff.
Amazing post, Bob! a little scary too about that SF storm :)Thanks for sharing all your knowledge with us!
Yep, people have NO idea how placid and calm this planet is, at this moment. "Average" weather, based on 5 billion years of history, would wipe out most life here.
Hey Bob! I missed you and your posts :)These sound very cool. I think I'll be on them on next few Sunday nights.
Thanks Stephanie, for sure, fascinating and scary.
Thanks and no prob Susanne, not to worry, not much chance of Martian size dust storms here on Earth in our lifetime, so it's all good and fun to watch.
For sure Marvin, thanks for pointing that out, we have had some pretty drastic changes to our weather in that time frame.
Thanks Ivanhoe, you'll like them, the screener dvds were very cool.
That is scary stuff Bob, thanks for sharing. Very interesting, facts I never knew.Have a wonderful day.Colin.
This is another truly great article, my friend.
Thanks Colin.
Thanks FishHawk.
Scary stuff. There was an article on the solar flares in the latest edition of Popular Mechanics. Love dust devils. Grew up with them here on the Kansas plains. In years past there was an unusually high number of small dust devils that liked to travel through the open area between my house and my neighbors. The boys liked to try to step in them. I've followed larger ones with a car load of kids just because they're fascinating. It's amazing to see multitudes of them in desert canyons in the southwestern US.
Once again, a full and fascinating post. I am as in awe of cosmic forces as anyone else, as long as I'm witnessing them in an indirect way! From the safety of my living room, is good... :)It's too bad we can't see this series in the U.S. Weather scenarios will likely get more dicey as the centuries pass, both on earth and in space, and we should be investigating the possibilities!
PS - It's great to see you posting again!
Thanks Lynda it is fun to watch these things from the tv instead of the window isn't it,lol. I hope to start blogging a little more frequently but smaller posts, thanks again Lynda for dropping by.
Hey Bob,Now this is most interesting! Of course, I haven't seen these auroras yet..."If an event like the one in 1859 was to happen.. and it is when..not if it does, we are not prepared physiologically, culturally or technologically to handle it." - you bet we wouldn't. Alien and dust devil storms....why panic people, Bob? lol...After this scare, your moon image calmed my spirit, my friend: thank you :).Have a blessed weekend!
Fascinating post! Thanks for sharing!
Ha thanks Max, glad I calmed your spirit with my Moon animation.
Thanks Anne, good to see you again.
I have heard about these solar storms, Bob, and how they might affect us. It is quite fascinating.
Hey Ruth, for sure, fascinating stuff indeed.
Thanks Stephanie, for sure, fascinating and scary and i will see you at some day !
Bob:A very interesting and well written post. Thanks once again for the early heads up about these fascinating programs that are on the near horizon. I'll certainly keep my eyes open for them.You mentioned the graphics and, yes, they have fantastic ways now days to illustrate these science programs. It really makes these shows interesting, and we are so lucky to be around to see them. As to the Martian sand storms, it's a funny thing. One of my first writing projects way back in the mid 1960's was about a group of astronauts on Mars and how they were stuck in a planet wide Martian sand storm. Great post as always. I wish we could hear more from you. Happy trails.
Great post Bob, and cool videos. I missed the shows, but I am sure they will re-run and with our new DVR we should be able to catch them.Hope all is well with you and am glad to see you find time for the occasional post. I don't frequent astronomy blogs, but find your posts always a great read and very accessible to us novices.
Awesome as usual! I always learn something new here and I love it!Sorry I haven't been around much, first I was searching for a new place to live then I was moving in. Now I am pretty organized so I have time to stop by and say a big Hello!Have a marvelous day!Love and Blessings,AngelBaby
Thanks swubird, I'd like to read your Martian story if possible.
Thanks Will I'm sure they will come up on your local NGC or Discovery Channel eventually, always good to hear from you.
Hai AngelBaby great you finally found a place you like, good to see you around, I'll visit from time to time.
I just stopped by to visit and see how you are doing. I just did a post on the pioneers of Your Caring Angels so come by and see because you are one of them. I hope you like it.Love and Blessings,AngelBaby
This is a very awesome post! Very interesting stuff and pretty scary, too. I never knew this things.
Great post Bob! a bit scary too, but very interesting facts, I never knewThank you for sharing all your knowledge!
Hey Bob, I think I mentioned to you before, that I am too cheap to have the Nat Geo channel, lol. These are some excellent series. Thinking about those disasters from space, is kind of scary, but they could be real because it is no coincidence that dinosaurs disappeared from our planet Earth just like that (can you imagine having them now days lol). Bob, how are you doing, hope all is well with you, and you are keeping well too. BTW nice animation as always. Anna :)
This sounds freaking awesome. I hope is comes on again sometime soon.
As usual Awesome.. I always learn so many things new here and I just love it!
Hi! Yes, I have been away far too long, haven't I? Been busy with home renos, the last one thankfully before we kick the bucket.Now, did you catch wind of Japan’s Asteroid Explorer Hayabusa finally landing in Australia? Lets hope they come up with the goods when they open it.Take Care,Peter
WOW, such dire scenarios are with us--and most of us are ignorant about them. Fires in the telegraph offices are just a tiny flash in the pan! Now I can stop worrying about the oil spill and worry about solar storms, instead!Seriously, this is a fascinating post and I'm continually amazed at how much you know and pass on to us.Hope the stars are lined up in your favor, Bob! I miss seeing you on the blogosphere.
It is really great stuff for those who want to learn about universe. what exist around us.- TanyaWeb Design Firm
What an idea,Great tips, I would like to join your blog anyway,
Hello,Very interesting blog post found here..... I like your blog. Keep posting such an interesting information.Thanks!
Thanks for sharing this one!check out the latest gadgets in the market!I like listening to the music of avril.
What I want to know is why you didnt think to include the other side of this issue? There are so many things that youre missing here that I dont see how you could actually form an intelligent opinion on the subject. Its like you didnt even consider that there me be another side here. Im kind of disappointed.
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Thank you! post the best!
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Great post!! i love your blog!!
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Post a Comment
Cool. Space weather is fascinating stuff.
Amazing post, Bob! a little scary too about that SF storm :)
Thanks for sharing all your knowledge with us!
Yep, people have NO idea how placid and calm this planet is, at this moment. "Average" weather, based on 5 billion years of history, would wipe out most life here.
Hey Bob! I missed you and your posts :)
These sound very cool. I think I'll be on them on next few Sunday nights.
Thanks Stephanie, for sure, fascinating and scary.
Thanks and no prob Susanne, not to worry, not much chance of Martian size dust storms here on Earth in our lifetime, so it's all good and fun to watch.
For sure Marvin, thanks for pointing that out, we have had some pretty drastic changes to our weather in that time frame.
Thanks Ivanhoe, you'll like them, the screener dvds were very cool.
That is scary stuff Bob, thanks for sharing. Very interesting, facts I never knew.
Have a wonderful day.
This is another truly great article, my friend.
Thanks Colin.
Thanks FishHawk.
Scary stuff. There was an article on the solar flares in the latest edition of Popular Mechanics. Love dust devils. Grew up with them here on the Kansas plains. In years past there was an unusually high number of small dust devils that liked to travel through the open area between my house and my neighbors. The boys liked to try to step in them. I've followed larger ones with a car load of kids just because they're fascinating. It's amazing to see multitudes of them in desert canyons in the southwestern US.
Once again, a full and fascinating post. I am as in awe of cosmic forces as anyone else, as long as I'm witnessing them in an indirect way! From the safety of my living room, is good... :)
It's too bad we can't see this series in the U.S. Weather scenarios will likely get more dicey as the centuries pass, both on earth and in space, and we should be investigating the possibilities!
PS - It's great to see you posting again!
Thanks Lynda it is fun to watch these things from the tv instead of the window isn't it,lol. I hope to start blogging a little more frequently but smaller posts, thanks again Lynda for dropping by.
Hey Bob,
Now this is most interesting! Of course, I haven't seen these auroras yet...
"If an event like the one in 1859 was to happen.. and it is when..not if it does, we are not prepared physiologically, culturally or technologically to handle it." - you bet we wouldn't.
Alien and dust devil storms....why panic people, Bob? lol...
After this scare, your moon image calmed my spirit, my friend: thank you :).
Have a blessed weekend!
Fascinating post! Thanks for sharing!
Ha thanks Max, glad I calmed your spirit with my Moon animation.
Thanks Anne, good to see you again.
I have heard about these solar storms, Bob, and how they might affect us. It is quite fascinating.
Hey Ruth, for sure, fascinating stuff indeed.
Thanks Stephanie, for sure, fascinating and scary and i will see you at some day !
Thanks Stephanie, for sure, fascinating and scary and i will see you at some day !
A very interesting and well written post. Thanks once again for the early heads up about these fascinating programs that are on the near horizon. I'll certainly keep my eyes open for them.
You mentioned the graphics and, yes, they have fantastic ways now days to illustrate these science programs. It really makes these shows interesting, and we are so lucky to be around to see them.
As to the Martian sand storms, it's a funny thing. One of my first writing projects way back in the mid 1960's was about a group of astronauts on Mars and how they were stuck in a planet wide Martian sand storm.
Great post as always. I wish we could hear more from you.
Happy trails.
Great post Bob, and cool videos. I missed the shows, but I am sure they will re-run and with our new DVR we should be able to catch them.
Hope all is well with you and am glad to see you find time for the occasional post. I don't frequent astronomy blogs, but find your posts always a great read and very accessible to us novices.
Awesome as usual! I always learn something new here and I love it!
Sorry I haven't been around much, first I was searching for a new place to live then I was moving in. Now I am pretty organized so I have time to stop by and say a big Hello!
Have a marvelous day!
Love and Blessings,
Thanks swubird, I'd like to read your Martian story if possible.
Thanks Will I'm sure they will come up on your local NGC or Discovery Channel eventually, always good to hear from you.
Hai AngelBaby great you finally found a place you like, good to see you around, I'll visit from time to time.
I just stopped by to visit and see how you are doing.
I just did a post on the pioneers of Your Caring Angels so come by and see because you are one of them. I hope you like it.
Love and Blessings,
This is a very awesome post! Very interesting stuff and pretty scary, too. I never knew this things.
Great post Bob! a bit scary too, but very interesting facts, I never knew
Thank you for sharing all your knowledge!
Hey Bob, I think I mentioned to you before, that I am too cheap to have the Nat Geo channel, lol. These are some excellent series. Thinking about those disasters from space, is kind of scary, but they could be real because it is no coincidence that dinosaurs disappeared from our planet Earth just like that (can you imagine having them now days lol). Bob, how are you doing, hope all is well with you, and you are keeping well too. BTW nice animation as always. Anna :)
This sounds freaking awesome. I hope is comes on again sometime soon.
As usual Awesome.. I always learn so many things new here and I just love it!
Hi! Yes, I have been away far too long, haven't I? Been busy with home renos, the last one thankfully before we kick the bucket.
Now, did you catch wind of Japan’s Asteroid Explorer Hayabusa finally landing in Australia? Lets hope they come up with the goods when they open it.
Take Care,
WOW, such dire scenarios are with us--and most of us are ignorant about them. Fires in the telegraph offices are just a tiny flash in the pan!
Now I can stop worrying about the oil spill and worry about solar storms, instead!
Seriously, this is a fascinating post and I'm continually amazed at how much you know and pass on to us.
Hope the stars are lined up in your favor, Bob! I miss seeing you on the blogosphere.
It is really great stuff for those who want to learn about universe. what exist around us.
- Tanya
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What an idea,
Great tips, I would like to join your blog anyway,
Very interesting blog post found here..... I like your blog. Keep posting such an interesting information.
Thanks for sharing this one!check out the latest gadgets in the market!
I like listening to the music of avril.
What I want to know is why you didnt think to include the other side of this issue? There are so many things that youre missing here that I dont see how you could actually form an intelligent opinion on the subject. Its like you didnt even consider that there me be another side here. Im kind of disappointed.
Its looking nice sharing..
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Thank you! post the best!
Liked your post
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Great post!! i love your blog!!
The lunar system excites me a lot since I am young to a level that embarresses me. Those pictures are brilliant. Looking at them makes me want to start a blog of mine to insure that I can share them. cheap auto insurance company
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