Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Galileoscopes Have Arrived

I am going to take a break from my China stories to bring you all an important announcement, I got my Galileoscopes in today and I gotta say I'm quite impressed. The image above was taken with my Canon 40D attached to the scope, not bad for a fifteen dollar investment.

I blogged about the scope once before here and said that to celebrate my daughter's wedding I would be giving 3 away. What I did is put the names on a piece of paper, threw them all up in the air and then just picked three off the floor at random, bet you never thought of that , if nothing else I'm original, more on the winners later.

First thing you notice about the scope is, that it is a kit , you have to put it together, lots of pieces, having said that it is not too hard to figure out, it comes with instructions even though I would have liked to have seen them more clear and detailed, like numbering all the parts at the start and then listing the number on the assembled drawing, I was left with a couple O rings that I still don't know where they fit, oh well that happens a lot to me and instructions.

This is critical... the foam enclosed objective lens, that is your main lens that fits in the front of the scope also contains your small lenses for your eyepieces. After I had put the scope together I started to put together the eyepieces and it was explaining how to assemble them but I couldn't find the lenses, looked high and low, went through all my packaging and bags then after what seemed like forever I thought I would check out the foam the objective lens came in, and sure enough they were there, they are so small and sandwiched between two pieces of thin foam taped to the side of the main objective foam that they got lost in the shuffle.

After I got the scope together which takes about fifteen minutes to a half an hour, I pointed it at the Moon, very good detail, again this only cost fifteen bucks, can't go wrong with that kind of investment, plus the learning experience you'll get while putting it together, again well worth the money and time spent.

I also pointed it at Jupiter and was able to see great detail and its four brightest moons even from my backyard. You will need to invest in a tripod, doesn't come with, I used my camera tripod to mount the telescope which worked very well. Overall a great buy and sure to increase the public's awareness and appreciation of the night sky, see what Galileo saw, he had the same type and size of scope. If you head over to the Galileoscope web site they have some cool downloads like observing and optics activity guides, bonus.

And now for the winners:

  1. A Lil Enchanted
  2. Lynda
  3. Brad
Congratulations to all the winners,I know you will enjoy and put to good use this little scope.

I'll leave you now with a instructional video on how to put the Galileoscope together, something I probably should have watched.


Final_transit said...

"Bob has arrived too"
Hey Bob, welcome back to the land of maple syrup. I am still waiting for my shipment of Galileoscope, and I need to buy a tripod. From what you describe, I'm guessing that it has a hookup arrangement similar to a camera (i.e. a female screw). What is that little white dome structure you've got in the backyard?... is it an observation tower? I'm impressed, do blog about it!

Mike said...

Hey Bob, Welcome back and glad you enjoyed the trip to China. Thanks for sharing your experience in the construction of the Galileoscope. I need to order up one and then join the fun. September begins the new budget year at the planetarium and these would be cool to be stocked in their science store.

Lynda Lehmann said...

Bob, I'm so excited!!!! Thank you!!!!!

Coincidentally, I shot moon shots at dusk from the lake last week (we managed to get out for half an hour), and of course, I thought of you.

They didn't turn out well, as I didn't have a tripod with me and we were in a rocking boat! And I had only my usual telephoto lens.

I'm sure the Galileoscope will yield better results than my camera--and I already have the tripod to go with it, though I won't be setting it up in an aluminum, 17-ft. rowboat, lol...

We are about to finish this house in Maine, and there will be two small decks, very high, off the top floor. These will be the perfect place to look at the moon and stars on a clear, dark Maine night. And no light pollution here from major cities....

I'm so excited--I can't thank you enough for your generosity and enthusiasm!

I will name my scope the "Boba," if that's okay with you!

I'll watch the video and remember to check the foam for those small parts.

Your blog is looking fantastic and I'm glad you're home and will be posting. I'll have to catch up with you and other bloggers too, as we've been bogged down with full-time construction. I've been painting woodwork and moldings for weeks. Literally.

Again, thanks so much for the scope and for adding to everyone's sense of wonder at the marvels of the cosmos. I look forward to viewing the night sky in greater detail than I've ever seen it before.

Thanks again! :)

Stephanie Barr said...

I think I'm going to have to invest, even though, living in an urban area, dark skies are hard to obtain.

Moonshadow said...

Welcome back, Bob! To use your 40D to shoot through the telescope do you just put the lens up to the eyepiece? Isn't the camera lens MUCH larger than the eyepiece? And what about stabalizing the camera so you don't jiggle the telescope? I'm just having a hard time picturing this. :)

A Lil Enchanted said...

Oh Wow! I'm so excited to have won the Galileoscope! My son will be excited about it as well. I'm remembering the freezing cold winter nights when he dragged me outside with him to stand out there and freeze my fingers off to look at stars and planets with his telescope. And even though I about froze to death we had a great time... it was wonderful quality time and great memories for us to share. His telescope is broken so he will be excited to have a scope again. He took some great pics through his old one so I'm sure he'll do the same with this one as well.

It will also be put to great use as lil Steffie gets older... I'm sure we'll spend many hours exploring the night sky as she begins her Astronomy lessons... of course that's years down the road... in the mean time she can enjoy just looking for fun :)

Thank you so much Bob... for this wonderful gift! My family will put it to great use... your generosity is very much appreciated!!!

A Lil Enchanted,

betchai said...

now, i am learning, i should have a scope. whenever i take moon photos, i think of what you got in here, and my picture does not look so close to what is in here :)

Bob Johnson said...

Thanks Priyank, you'll love the scope, I was very impressed with it's optics. Yes it has a nut you install that fits all tripods. That little dome is my observatory, very cool, my wife finally caved in and let me put it in the center of the backyard, mostly cause it looks too cool,lol.\m/\m/

Bob Johnson said...

Thanks Mike, yes the scope would be a great addition to the planetarium shop, very good optics, better then a lot more expensive scopes I've used, really quite surprised.\m/\m/

Bob Johnson said...

Lol, the Bobascope, I like it,lol. Very cool you will be at a dark site, yes you will get some excellent shots with it, you have a tripod, you also need a T-Ring adapter, 1.25" size and a x2 barlow lens, both are cheap but the results will look great, you can order them online usually always in stock I just need your address to ship the scope out, got Brad's already.\m/\m/

Bob Johnson said...

Hi Stephanie, even in the city you will get great views of the planets and the Moon with this scope, plus some of the brighter deep sky objects, the observing guide will help out there.\m/\m/

Bob Johnson said...

Lol Moonshadow, if you saw me trying to make it work you'd laugh like crazy.

First you can just put up an ordinary camera to the lens and take a pic that way or you can do what I did, "Prime Focus".

You have to get a T-Ring adapter for your make of camera, cheap, it attaches where your regular lens goes in, but it has a barrel that just slides into the telescope, then you need a x2 barlow lens that fits in between the t ring adapter and the scope.

The tricky part is because of the weight of the camera it has a tendency to sink so you have to be fast when taking the pictures, lots of fun,lol.\m/\m/

Bob Johnson said...

That is so cool LaShan that you will be able to put the scope to good use, with your budding astrophotographer, I just need your address then I'll ship it out.\m/\m/

Bob Johnson said...

Thanks betchai, it's the way to go to take close ups of the moon, plus you get to look at the planets and other stuff in the night sky all for cheap.\m/\m/

Lynda Lehmann said...

Hey Bob, I'm glad you like the name "Bobascope." I'll think of you when I use it! :)

A funny thing is that when I was telling my husband about the scope yesterday, he remembered the day on the boat when I shot photos of the moon and told him about you and your blog! Then he reminded me that I said right then and there in the boat, "Wish I had a telescope to see this night sky from the decks!"

I've wanted a telescope before, in my life, but with the high deck-ettes coming to be, I've thought about it more often. Some coincidence, isnt' it? Your gift is a big serendipity for me!

I can't believe you have your own observatory. Does its small size factor a lot, into what you can see? Or is the scope inside, the most important feature?

Bob, thanks so much for your gift and generosity! I'm so excited to get it!

I'll email you through FB or see if I have your email, and send my addy.

Wishing you cloudless skies... :}

Jackie said...

Bob I was so thrilled that you dropped by.

Wow nice little piece of equipment you have here. I am dreaming of a Sony A900 with full frame exposure and 26.4MM.

Congrats to all of the winners! Oh I know for sure Lynda will turn out some exceptional shots!! I am sure all of the winners are but I know Lynda's work very well!!

I hope you and your family have been well!

Happy weekend,

Swubird said...


Very interesting, and very nice of you to give away three scopes like that. I'm sure those folks will be happy. Everybody likes to get a present once in a while. What a guy.

I remember the time I tried to grind my own mirror way back in the early sixties. Can you believe that? Me? Needless to say, it was a huge challenge. In fact, I should write a post about it. I'll title it, Ten Ungodly Reasons Not To Make Your Own Telescope.

Happy trails.

TatianaV said...

Great shots Bob and congrats to the winners of the Galileoscope's :)

Bob Johnson said...

Hi Lynda, the Observatory size doesn't matter, it is the scope that matters, glad you guys will be able to put the scope to good use, you'll love it if just for the Moon and planets, it works great.\m/\m/

Bob Johnson said...

Hi Jackie, good to see you back blogging again, the scope is very cool and does a lot for the money you pay, I'm sure Lynda will make good use out of it.\m/\m/

Bob Johnson said...

Lol too funny swubird, it is a big challenge to make your own scope, really have to know what you are doing, that would make an awesome post you should do one.\m/\m/

Bob Johnson said...

Thanks a lot Tatiana, I'm sure the winners will appreciate the scope, excellent value for the money.\m/\m/

Cashmere said...

Congrats to the winners.. Interesting.. Now I want the scope too! lol! :)

AngelBaby said...

Congrats to all the winners but now I want one too! LOL! They look pretty nice and they seem to work real well too. hmmm ...... I must get one of these for my grandson he would love it.

It is so nice to have you back.

Love and Blessings,

Bob Johnson said...

Lol, thanks Cashmere, it is a great little scope.\m/\m/

Bob Johnson said...

Thanks AngelBaby, good to be back home.\m/\m/

myonlyphoto said...

Hey Bob this is really cool toy, may be I ask for one for xmas, or for my hubby's bday which is sooner, lol. BTW Lynda wrote excellent post about you, if you didn't see it yet. Anna :)

Bob Johnson said...

Thanks Anna, it is a great little scope for the money, I will pop over to Lynda's site right now, thanks.\m/\m/

Rana Sinha said...

Nice blog. Accidentally stumbled here. You have lots of interesting stuff! Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again Bob for the scope. I received it a couple days ago and my daughter watched the video and then put it together. Works great. We are planning to use it while camping in the Finger Lakes (Western NY) area. I printed up some sky maps. The girls are excited.


Bob Johnson said...

Thanks a lot Rana.\m/\m/

Bob Johnson said...

Great you got your scope and were able to put it together okay, look for Jupiter in the southeast, it will be the brightest object in the sky and you will be able to see it's for biggest moons as well.\m/\m/

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aweseome blogger said...

I am going to take a break from my China stories to bring you all an important announcement, I got my Galileoscopes in today and I gotta say I'm quite impressed. tinggi badan

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I am going to take a break from my China stories to bring you all an important announcement, I got my Galileoscopes in today and I gotta say I'm quite impressed

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I would appreciate if a staff member here at could post it.


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I would appreciate if someone here at could repost it.


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